02 February 2009

Racial Inequality in Socialism

The leveling of society did not eradicate socioeconomic disparities that correlate highly with pigmentation.

"...on average, the black population has worse housing, receives less money in remittances from abroad and has less access to jobs in emerging economic sectors like tourism, in which blacks represent barely five percent of managers and professionals, than the white population."

A documentary maker said "So far, racism has only been talked about in academia, among intellectuals. I think there should be an open, public discussion, even in parliament."

It is preposterous to claim that regular working class Cubans do not discuss matters of race. Racism and lack of opportunities due to pigmentation are discussed frequently by most segments of Cuban society.

There is even a gesture to indicate that somebody is black: rubbing one's forearm. Such a gesticulation is generally incorporated into a statement that are--even if implicitly--racist and derogatory.

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