30 September 2008

Former Teachers Unretire to Fill Posts Left Empty By Diminished Labor Force

As economic dearth renders pregnancy unappealing, deaths continue to out pace births in Cuba.

The depleted population structure is unable to reproduce the workforce to fill the positions vacated by retirees.

Add to that the fact that some Havana residents tend to opt out of formal state employment (due to official material benefits being less attractive than the informal economic opportunities derived from inputs of tourist dollars in the capitol city). Willing professionals--namely police, teachers and construction workers--must be imported from the provinces.

In order to close the deficit in teachers--which may or may not be near 8,000--new legal provisions encourage retired teachers to return to the classroom by letting them earn a salary while still receiving their monthly pension.


Michael5000 said...

Historically, when population is on the way down, the workers who remain are able to improve their social and economic standing...

Epistemz Dialektix said...

But in the Cuban condition some of the workers that remain dont want to remain workers.

And just like the US, there are more social security benefactors than workers supporting the current and future retirement payout.

By historically you may have meant old nonworkers dying--which isnt the case in Cuba.

Damn them and their long life expectancy!