27 August 2008

Establishment Insiders Propose End of Statism

A former diplomat and regarded scholar, in collaboration with colleagues, has posted online a lengthy manifesto that calls for doing away with stifling state bureaucracy and unpopular antiquated restrictions as well as reforming the current political system to move towards more participatory democratic socialism.

While I normally shy away from posting on the explicitly political, this document makes mention of many obstacles that Cubans face in their day-to-day doings, many of which are the most voiced grievances of the day.

Cubans generally do not launch complaints against the entire socioeconomic and political system, but rather they focus on specific prohibitions and bureaucratic exigencies, deemed cumbersome and unnecessary, that inhibit the progress of socialism and dampen public enthusiasm.


Eversaved said...

Do all things explicit make you shy, or just the political ones?

I'm glad to hear Cubans are calling for an end to bureaucratic measures that dampen morale. Is there a plan in place to keep the bus aisles clean?

Michael5000 said...

I myself am generally against specific prohibitions and bureaucratic exigencies.